Wednesday, April 10, 2013

So What Happened?

Whatever happened to that guy?  I don't know how many people have been following this blog, but if you're wondering what happened, I guess I have some explaining to do!

I've taken a break.  Business got slow around Christmas, then I started studying for the series 6 & 63 exams which are necessary to obtain a securities license.  I was studying a lot.  Primerica has an incentive, a nice bonus if I pass the exam and open two new securities accounts before the end of July.  To make it even better, my regional vice president offered to match it if I did it before the end of April.  In case you were wondering, Primerica pays for all the study materials and will reimburse the costs for the exams.

So what happened?  Actually a lot!  For starters, my full-time employment keeps me busy, and things have been a little more hectic over the last several months.  I love being a licensed social worker in the hospital setting, but there have been nights where I just can't fit one more thing into my brain.

At home, things have changed, too.  My kids (ages 3 and 1) are much more mobile and interactive than when I first started this new gig.  Those of you who have had kids this young in the house, you understand when I say I can't even go to the bathroom in peace!

And lastly, my wife and I are expecting a third child this Summer.  We are totally thrilled and excited.  I bought a minivan in December.  The drawback- my wife is sometimes limited with how much she can do around the house.  Depending on the day, it just isn't fair to leave her alone with these two kids that love to run.

So there you have it.  I've declared a break, at least until my household gets a little more back to normal.  I do really like Primerica, but I just can't do something and not have my whole heart in it.  I hope to get back to this business soon, so stay tuned!

If you're one of my customers and happen to be reading this, don't worry.  I'll still take care of you, or make sure Jim does!
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